Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm proud of myself...but I have no one to share it with? (Read details)?

That is AWESOME! You definately should be proud of yourself. It is a very hard thing to do to make that decision and stick with it. Don't give up even thought your family and friends may not realize what a big deal this is. You may have times in the future when you slip but ALWAYS get back up and keep trying. Don't let a little relapse get you to the point of giving up. As long as you want this and keep trying no matter what you CAN do it! That is SO Wonderful and even though I don't know you, as a person who suffered form eating disorders in the past..... I am proud of you too! You Are right, it IS liberating, you are freeing yourself from chains the eating disorder had on you and you will see how happy you can be when you don't have to worry about keeping secrets and obsessing over your weight/and the food you eat. (and the cutting) You are a very likeable/loveable person no matter what your mind may say at times, keep being proud of yourself, you deserve it!!!!!!!!!!

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