Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Stop complaining about The Sims 3 release date!?

Okay, so I have been researching like crazy on sims 3 videos. I found one that someone complaining about the date. I was ticked because people don't seem to know about the reason for it's date. I have obsessed about it since the the sims 2 came out. I love it so much, so i had to know why they moved the date. They did it for marketing. At first I was selfish and hated EA, but then I realized that I hadn't know about the sims 3 until March. They did it to creating anticipation, and popularity. I think another reason for it is that it happens to be in the summer, which in effect will help sales. (People get bored in the summer) I'm just happy, because it comes out 8 days before my birthday. But I ask you, why do you think they pushed it back.

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