Monday, August 8, 2011

If the christian god is real, then...?

listen, god is not that hard to prove! i don't know why you want "scientific" evidence for that. science is a bunch of crap. god has been proven so many times its not even funny. the proof of his existance is right in front of your face. you try so hard to prove that he does not exist but miss the plain facts right in front of you. scientists are just ppl like you and i and they are flawed, they make mistakes-they were taught all that they know by ppl who make mistakes and the ppl before them as well. its funny to me how you have so much faith in humans rather than the god that created you. did humans create you? i dont think so. evolution is silly if you just take the time to look at the facts. first, the world would have to be made before evolution can even happen right? well i guess thats where the big bang theory comes into place-well how did nothing explode into something? i mean according to science, matter cannot come about from nothing. so the big bang couldn't have happened, therefore how did the world get here? i mean the facts and the "proof" is right in front of you if you just pay attention and stop trying to come up with reasons why he doesn't exist.

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