Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is there anybody that could help me about acidic sludge?

Reza ....I'm sure your question is either how can you neutralize the Sulphuric or what you can do to get rid of it or is there something that can be made from it Or seperated out of it. Basically the resin your describing is a mixture of Parafin (all different gravities) and sand and heavy metals which include chrome ,lead and arsenic. Lots of people in operation just drive off any lights by heating, this is pretty hard to do with H2so4 as your first off gas is Hydrogen Sulfide (h2S) and its handling is rather dangerous. If a chemical neutralizer is added in volumes it can set off a trapped g expansion in an unvented tank which will push the sides out. So most folks do this..They press the Bottom out through a diatomacious earth filter . This might take two pes . Put the cake left over in a drum for disposal at a Haz/mat location. Then either let Haz/mat incinerate the fluid or get their own permit ...either way its a costly problem . With air standards and emmision controls,, precipitators are common. These scrubbers are very costly. All in all i would say its a pretty grey picture i have painted..Being in the bussiness of oil reclamation is a pretty hard road.. It can be done though. Get a good petroleum PE to help , take samples and know the chemistry before starting. ...Good luck with the process...I hope i got close to your question as it was sot of hid in there somwhere......From the E...

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