Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why are America,China and India being such bigots?

I'm American and there are people here who truly believe that global warming is a farce. there are media personalities who promote the idea that it is a lie, to bring about fascism. also so we will pay more for goods manufactured in a "green " manner . allot of news articles are put out that promote the idea that climate change is a natural cycle of the earth and even some that say the sun itself is getting stronger. I myself do not pretend to make scientific hypotheses i don't think man made climate change is impossible, as some claim, after all in the immediacy of the industrial revolution we saw climatic changes that forced us to clean up our act. but on the other hand I don't find it hard to believe that perhaps we are just at the end of an ice age. I am in no way dissagreeing that a clean up of our industrial pratices is essential, if only to guarentee our longevity as a species, and for all species.

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